According to global labor statistics, nearly 39,000 Industrial Athletes™ are injured on the job every hour worldwide. Picture the father of three in Arkansas stocking your grocery shelves, or the retired Navy verteran diligently delivering your mail, a smile perpetually plastered across her face.
These men and women comprise our critical national infrastructure. Every year, an estimated 6,000 will die as the result of a workplace injury in the United States alone.
And that was before the onset of our current global pandemic.
We don’t yet know the extent of injury rates as a result of the tremendous new pressure placed on these critical frontline workers. But we do know this: Right now, in every corner of the country, tens of thousands of employees are being hired to heed the call, and the expectations are staggering — logging more shifts, putting in more hours, working harder and harder to supply the country with what it needs.
To put it into perspective, according to our data, Industrial Athletes™ right now – as a result of COVID-19 – are working at nearly double the rate of a typical peak holiday retail season (November to January), when the mood isn’t dire, but festive and bright.
Today, as we process millions of hours of workplace data in this COVD-19 reality, we could not be more proud of the people we founded this company to serve and protect, our Industrial Athlete™ heroes. We know they don’t do what they do for recognition, and we’re saddened that such a health crisis is what’s thrust them into the spotlight. But undeniably, that recognition has never been more deserved.
While most of the world is locked in the confines of their homes, our internal data shows unprecedented efforts in this unprecedented time. Industrial Athletes™ are working harder and faster, and putting in longer days than ever.
StrongArm is the world’s leading safety science company. We started in 2013 with a simple but ambitious mission: Create a safer workplace, and a better future, for the world’s Industrial Athlete™.
Since then, we’ve been troubled by the persistent problem but obsessed with the solution. While we’re incredibly proud of keeping workers safe in our own small way, we’re also now forced to shift focus to the “new normal.” The profile of workplace risk has changed forever; it’s our job – along with many incredible partners – to pioneer the processes, the technology, the culture that will ensure no Industrial Athlete™ is left behind as a result. And I can assure you, we are currently pursuing that goal in earnest, refocusing the entire company to this new safety challenge.
The StrongArm family has never been more empowered or had a greater sense of purpose than right now. We know that Industrial Athletes™ have always been heroes; COVID just removed the mask.
To all of the men and women who are selflessly leaving their homes every morning to keep our country going: Thank you for the opportunity to support your efforts in this momentous fight.
Sean Petterson
Founder & CEO
StrongArm Technologies