Kids’ Chance of America Awareness Week: What It Represents and How to Get Involved

by | Nov 7, 2022 | About Strongarm

Join us November 7-11 for Kids’ Chance of America’s annual Awareness Week to raise money for children whose family has been impacted by a workplace injury.

When a worker gets injured on the job, it often doesn’t just affect them — it affects their entire family, especially their kids.

Kids’ Chance of America is a non-profit organization that provides educational opportunities and scholarships to children of workers seriously or fatally injured on the job. 

The organization’s annual Awareness Week, a chance to learn more about their cause and get involved, is happening right now.

The organization is located across all 50 United States and is supported by groups within the workers’ compensation system. The Kids’ Chance community includes labor, plaintiff, and defense attorneys; judiciary; the insurance industry; medical providers; vendors; and other supportive businesses — including StrongArm, who has been a proud Kids’ Chance supporter and sponsor for more than a year now.

Read more: Why StrongArm was founded

The mission of Kids’ Chance aligns closely with us. It especially strikes a chord with our Founder and CEO Sean Petterson, who has experienced job-related loss firsthand.  We knowthe impacts injury, illness and death can take on not only a worker but also their family. We support the mission of Kids’ Chance so children have the opportunity to endure a bright future and education doesn’t get placed on the back-burner. 

Since 1988, Kids’ Chance organizations have awarded over 9,300 scholarships totaling over $33.2 million. This year there has been a 10.6% increase in program submissions and a 25.8% increase in the number of submissions of kids under 16 years old. Growth across the organization wouldn’t be possible without their annual Awareness Week on November 7-11, 2022. 

Awareness Week is an opportunity for every community member to participate and raise awareness. There are a number of ways you can get involved too:

  • Make a donation to Kids’ Chance of America
  • Make a donation to Kids’ Chance in your state
  • Spread the word about Kids’ Chance on social media using #KidsChance and #MoreMoneyforMoreKids
  • Refer eligible applicants through our Planning for the Future initiative

Learn more about the impact workers face physically and mentally in our Industrial Athlete Workforce Report. 

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